New England Pole Championship

Application Rules:
Applications are closed for 2016! Check back for 2017.
- All application videos must be between 2:00-3:00. Videos that are longer or shorter will be automatically disqualified, even if you specify what time to watch in the video.
- All application videos must show an unedited, continuous routine to music.
- Application videos may be recorded for this purpose, or you may use a video from a performance/competition as long as it fits the other requirements.
- Your application is not complete until we have received your form, video, and application fee.
- Completed applications must be received by Wednesday, June 15, 2016, at 11:59pm (EST). All components of the application must be received by the deadline in order to qualify. Late applications will not be accepted; no exceptions.
- Application videos should be titled “New England Pole Championship 2015 Application: Your Name
- All application videos must be posted to Youtube as (can be set as unlisted, not as private) or on Vimeo (include password if you choose to password protect it). Videos sent as an attachment to an email will not be accepted.
- All submission videos should be well-rehearsed, choreographed pole routines that incorporate tricks, spins, and floorwork that use both a static and spin pole. Character and choreography are scored as well, and should be included in your routine.
- All videos should have good lighting and show the applicant’s full body at all times.
- No explicit music, radio edits only.
- Application fees are not refundable.
- To submit your entry please email info@nepolechampionship.com with the following information:
- Legal Name:
- Stage Name:
- DOB:
- State of Legal Residence:
- Category you are submitting to:
- Phone Number:
- Email:
- Video URL (and password if applicable):
Application Judging Criteria:
- Difficulty (10 points)
- Technique (10 points)
- Transitions/Fluidity (10 points)
- Variety (10 points)
- Artistry (creativity, character/theme, etc) (10 points)
If you have any questions about the application rules or judging criteria, please email Juel at info@nepolechampionship.com